Frequently asked questions

Does water overflow in the gutter during heavy rain?

​-Nein. Dank der grobporigen Struktur des Schaumstoffs wird der Wasserfluss bei Starkem Regen kaum beeinträchtigt.

Can the gutter foam be carried away in strong winds?

-No. The indentation in the gutter foam, which clings to the gutter, and the coarse-pored structure of the gutter foam allow the wind to flow through the gutter foam without generating significant buoyancy.

How long has the channel foam been on the market?

​-Our partner in the USA has been successfully selling gutter protection in the form of foam for 30 years. The gutter foam is now also available in Germany.

Is there a guarantee for the gutter foam?

-Yes Our product is provided with a two-year warranty.

How does the gutter foam perform in frosty weather?

​-Gutter foam fulfils its task even in frosty weather. As the gutter foam prevents the downpipes from clogging, no excess water remains in the gutter, preventing it from freezing.

Is it necessary to clean the gutter foam?​

- Wie empfehlen jährlich eine Sichtprüfung des Materials durchzuführen. Falls sich Schmutz oder Ablagerungen auf dem Rinnenschaum befinden, welche nicht vom Wind abgetragen worden sind, lässt sich unser Rinnenschaum mühelos entfernen abklopfen und wieder einsetzen. Oder ein Laubgebläse verwenden, um die Performance zu behalten(oft erledigt es aber der Wind für Sie).

Can I use the gutter foam on a flat or almost flat roof?

​-Gutter foam works on all slopes.

The gutter foam is too wide for my gutter. I have installed an eaves plate.

​- Each gutter system interacts individually with the roof tiles or, as in your case, with the eaves flashing. Our gutter foam sizes are orientated towards the

​ Standard gutter sizes to enable optimum adaptation to the gutters in the best possible case. The special feature of the gutter foam is its simple  

​ It can be worked with scissors or a knife, making it easy to adapt to any situation.

Does the foam absorb the water?​

​- No. The gutter foam is not made of conventional foam that absorbs water. Rather, it is a technical foam specially developed for gutter 

protection that works like a sieve system and allows water to pass through unhindered while only collecting the dirt at the top!

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